Player (and Family) Preparation for a First Club Soccer Tournament (Modern Soccer Parent 101)

group of people playing soccer on green grass field during daytime

Essential Tips for the Modern Soccer Parent

Attending your player’s first soccer tournament is an exciting moment, filled with a lot of unknowns and blindspots for both parents and players. As parents, your preparation can make a significant difference in your child’s experience and performance. Here are some practical tips to ensure you, your parent, and the team are ready for the big day.

1. Pack Smart: Clothing and Gear

Ensure your player is prepared for any weather by packing appropriate clothing. If you are traveling a long distance, this becomes even more important as you can’t return home between games, but regardless you have to plan for all sorts of weather and conditions. Along with their uniform, include:

  • Extra Socks: Changing socks between games keeps your child’s feet dry and reduces the risk of blisters. This is a must, so having multiple game socks is a key.
  • Layers: Depending on the weather, bring extra layers such as a rain jacket, a warm hoodie, and a hat or beanie.
  • Comfortable Footwear: Besides soccer cleats, pack a pair of comfortable shoes, slides or sandals for them to wear off the field.
  • Old Cleats: I don’t know how many times young players have forgotten their cleats and had to borrow from another player. If you stash your old pair in the car, you could be a lifesaver. Further if your player has a blowout during the game, this is usually the better solution than trying to tape up a shoe or find a new pair between matches.
  • Don’t forget a towel and a plastic bag for wet and dirty gear!

2. Nutrition: Fueling Young Athletes

A full day of matches demands a lot of energy from young players, so it’s crucial to pack enough food and drinks:

  • Hydration: Water is best. Pack multiple water bottles to ensure your child stays hydrated throughout the day.
  • Healthy Snacks: Opt for fruits like bananas or apples, granola bars, and yogurt. These provide quick, energizing nutrients without being too heavy.
  • Meals: Prepare sandwiches or wraps that are high in carbs and protein but easy to digest. Avoid greasy fast food, as it can make players feel sluggish. While hitting the local pizza place or casual fast dining is great for parents and team camaraderie it is usually a disaster for on field performance. So decide why you are there, is it a social event or are you there to play games at the highest level. It is important to make sure the entire team is on the same page.

3. Downtime Activities

There will be waiting periods between games, so bring along some activities to help your child relax and recharge:

  • Quiet Games: Consider card games, books, or puzzles that can keep them entertained without expending too much energy.
  • Rest: Encourage downtime. Bring a camping chair or a blanket for them to sit or lie down on, away from the sun if possible.
  • Check out the modern soccer parent post here on this topic.

4. Team Spirit and Support

Cheering on your child and their team is a huge part of the tournament experience:

  • Positive Encouragement: Focus on positive reinforcement. Celebrate good plays, effort, and sportsmanship over just winning.
  • Socializing: Interact with other parents and families. This can be a great opportunity to build a supportive community around the team.

5. Plan for the Unexpected

Always be prepared for minor emergencies:

6. Know the Schedule and Venue

Before the day of the tournament, familiarize yourself with the schedule and the venue layout:

  • Arrival Time: Plan to arrive early to find a good parking spot and help your child warm up without rushing. If it is your first time to the venue – then be early. Parking can be really tough, and you need to be prepared to drop your player off and then go find parking.
  • Venue Facilities: Know where the restrooms, first aid stations, and concession stands are located.


Your preparation can greatly influence the enjoyment and performance of your young athlete during their soccer tournament. By focusing on these practical aspects, you’ll not only help your child have a fun and successful experience but also enjoy the event stress-free yourself.

Please check out our entire Modern Soccer Parent section of the website here.

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