Total Global Sports (TGS) Team Manager and Coach Users Guide for Tournament Check in

There are 4 steps outlined here:

  1. Create your roster in TGS
  2. How to Create your Official Tournament Roster
  3. Upload Player Cards
  4. How to Add your Players from your player pool to your Event Roster

How to Create your Roster in TGS  

Quick Instructional Video

First log into your team.

Next select Player Pool from your menu on the left hand side and it will bring up the screen below.

Then in the top left, click Add Player

Once you have clicked add Player it will bring up this screen.

When asked how you want to add the a player, Click – Adding Player Info 

Then toggle First Team Player

Then toggle  Standard Add

That will bring up the text boxes.  Fill in all information and then click next.  You must fill in a position and if the player is of highschool age, you must fill in a unique email address for that player (can’t be the coach or a siblings if that email has been used in TGS in the past).]

The Player will then be added to your all team player list.  Once all of your players are added move on to step 2 (Creating your official tournament roster) and step 3 (uploading your player cards)

How to Create your Official Tournament Roster 

Creating your official tournament roster is the easiest of the 4 steps you must complete before the roster freeze date.  The easiest way to do this is to simply open up a Google Sheet and type in your player names, their number, and their Birth date.  Then save this as a PDF and upload it to TGS.

Quick How to Video

First create a blank google sheet and add in your players.

When you hit print from the google sheet it will automatically be a PDF.

The PDF will go to your downloads

Take your PDF and then upload it in TGS by going to your Event

When you click on event it will bring up a window and click Player Check In

Then it will show you Team Check in Documents

Just click the little pencil and it will bring up this window and drag your PDF to the drop here and click save.

It will then turn your status to completed.

If you need to update your roster – just overwrite the old one by following the steps above with a new PDF.

How to Upload your Player Cards  

Once you have the PDF of your Player Cards (see the Video if you need help with this) Then upload the PDF in TGS by going to your Event

When you click on event it will bring up a window and click Player Check In

Then it will show you Team Check in Documents

Click the pencil and it will bring up the window below.

Drop your PDF into the Drop File here window.

When done, hit save and it will show that you have completed this task. Here is a quick video on this task.

How to Add your Players from your player pool to your Event Roster

Quick Instructional Video.

Go to your dashboard and click events

Once you click on the event, then click on player check in.

It should show a screen like the one below.

Before you will be allowed to add any players – the status on the official roster and player cards must be green.  If you have not completed these tasks, then the player status will show as “Not Eligible” like below

If both the roster and the player cards have been uploaded, then the player will show as eligible and you will have a box next to the player’s name that you can toggle.

Toggle the box of the eligible players and hit submit.

You will see that all players will change from eligible to “in review”

Double check that all players actually show “in review” sometimes not all of the boxes stay checked with you hit submit (especially if you refresh the page).

After the Tournament officials have reviewed the player, matching them with the roster and player card, they will be checked in and their status will toggle to approved.  All players must be approved prior to the roster freeze date as there will be no write in players allowed (other than girl players on boys teams (the TGS System can’t accommodate that situation right now).

After the player is approved, they can be added to the Match Report (once the schedule is published).

If you player is High School Age or your Team is High School age or in a High School Age Bracket, every player must have an individual email address that is not in use by anyone else with a TGS Account (sibling, parent, club administrator, etc.).

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