Many Thanks for your Help!
In order to make this Summer’s two tournaments a success, we need some serious help with our data entry. The task is simple, but boring and can take a while to complete, so we need to get started right away. You will need a computer for this task, it can’t be done on your phone. I also recommend watching the video on the “full screen” by maximizing it to view appropriately.
The most efficient way to move forward is to watch this short video as it explains it all, but I have also included some written instructions below as well. Do as much as you can as it is a team effort and we just need to advance this process as much as we possibly can.
The link to the google sheet where we are collecting the information is here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bXPsjfcHSfWeJZ7SItUQRnjaznLiV9ry7EVausOru30/edit?usp=sharing
The place to start is the 2025 plan. That has the links to all of the data sets we are currently trying to collect (Happy to add additional data sets if you think that there are good targets out there), but we want to get all of this data in at a minimum we need to make this a success. We need all of the data entered by April 1 to have the best chances of success.
The end state of the the spreadsheet looks like the picture below – with all of the data cells filled in.

We greatly appreciate your help in getting this completed. If you don’t want to do data entry, but want to support, there are a lot of other jobs to do and most don’t require any effort until the weekend of the tournament or a little beforehand. Specifically assisting with the field set up and tear down.
General Support
Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook and get other soccer families/teams/friends and such to follow us as well.
Recruitment Support
We always need parents, coaches, and managers out there finding teams for us. You can Thank you for agreeing to support the both the Aliso Cup and the San Clemente Cup by trying to bring in additional teams. We have some business cards and flyers you can hand out and please push our Facebook and instagram pages.
Always direct potential teams to www.alisocup.com or www.sanclementecup.com for registration purposes.
Contact the Tournament Director at tournamentdirector.cfa@gmail.com with any questions.