Organize a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser for your Team

The Krispy Kreme fundraiser for your team is as simple as it sounds, Krispy Kreme sells your organization donuts at a discounted rate and members of your team sell donuts to members of the public.  Here is a step by step process to conduct the Krispy Kreme Team Fundraiser.

1. Find a Krispy Kreme Bakery

Ensure you have a Krispy Kreme located close enough to where you want to do the fundraiser to be able to deliver fresh donuts.  Call them and make sure that they support fundraisers and are willing to do so for your organization.  Find out what they are going to charge you for the donuts and if they are able to support the order you are looking to fill.  Your organization must be a 501(c)(3) to be eligible for the program, so I suggest coordinating with your club to ensure you fit this designation.

2. Identify a local location for the Fundraiser 

Selecting a location for the Krispy Kreme fundraiser is vitally important to the success.  A good location will be the difference between making significant funds or just breaking even. The location needs to be far enough away from the Krispy Kreme that there is novelty to donuts, but close enough that the donuts will be fresh. The first step is to contact the manager of that location and let them know you are a local sports team, looking to do a fundraiser selling Krispy Kreme donuts and ask if you can do so at their location.  I have found that grocery stores are usually the best bet for this, but you may have to call a few as many have rules about what sort of fundraising can be done at their location.  Once you have confirmed that you can use the location, then you are on to the next step.

3. Set a date and time for the Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Once you have the approval of your location, you need to set the date and time.  I have found that selling donuts is best done in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays. Pick a date and time that is supportable by the team and will ensure you have coverage for the event.  You need to deconflict this with the coach and make sure that the event will not interfere with team activities. Socialize the date with friends and family to drum up some support for the event.

4. Organize the event

When organizing the staffing of the event, ensure an opportunity is provided to any player that wants to participate. Remember to keep the numbers of players attempting to sell the donuts manageable.  I recommend shifts of approximately 3 or 4 players for no more than 90 to 120 minutes.  The Krispy Kreme fundraiser for the team should not last more than approximately 3 hours or until all of your donuts are sold.  This is not a drop off type of event, parents need to be prepared to stay an assist. Designate a parental supervisor for the shifts so you don’t have to be present throughout the entire Krispy Kreme Fundraiser.

a. Materials Needed

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Donation Box
Player made Donation Box

The following items are required: a folding table, a donation box, signage, cash for change, available Paypal and Venmo accounts, napkins (Krispy Kreme will usually give these to you), a chair for the parent supervisor, and come up with a catchphrase for the players (the players need to be able to answer the “why are are you hosting the fundraiser” question).

b. Donut Order

There are three things to remember when placing your donut order.  First ensure you place it on time, Krispy Kreme needs enough time to process the order and have it ready for pick up.  Second, designate a pick up time that gives you enough time to get to the fundraising site.  Third order the right amount of donuts.  The selecting the right amount of donuts is vital, especially for your first event can make or break the fund raiser.  The first time you do one, I would not go with more than 20-25 dozen to get a feel for the event and if your players can handle the event.

c. Set up at the Location

Ensure you conduct a reconnaissance of the location prior to the event.  You will want to set up your table near the entrance to the store, but not in a manner that interferes with people entering or exiting the store.  Signage should be strategically placed and your donation box, with logo, should be prominently displayed.  Have a plan to sweep money out of the donation box as you don’t want too much cash just sitting in the box.

5. Run the Event

On the day of the event designate someone to pick up the Krispy Kremes.  The first time you do one, I suggest you do it yourself as you will have to front the cost of the donuts.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Ensure that the players dress in their uniforms, try to have them all wear the same colors.  Have the player wear comfortable shoes (no cleats) and prepare them to be on their feet for most of the event.  Having drinking water for the players is a must, so have them bring water to drink to avoid distractions during the fundraiser.  

Set up your table with the donuts on it and arrange your signage to allow customers to see who and what you are, as well as having a clear view of the donuts.  Designate the cost for a dozen donuts and also decide if you are going to sell the donuts individually.  I recommend selling a dozen or two individually. People will usually pay $2 for a single donut and your margin will be larger.  Only take donuts out of one box, you don’t want to end up with a number of half empty boxes.

Consider supporting the store that provided you the location to set up.  I typically provide a free dozen donuts to the store manager for the staff, even after doing that we typically have employees from the store support us.

6. Interaction with Potential Supporters

Player safety and presenting a respectful and professional reputation of the club is key to continued success.  A quick briefing or instruction period with the players and parents that will be participating is necessary to set expectations and ground rules for the event. 

There will be rejection, so it is important that the players understand, not everyone will be interested in buying donuts.  Ensure that the players understand that getting a negative response is to be expected. Depending on the age of your players, getting them to interact with potential supporters may be a big challenge.  These are great people skills however and any trepidation or shyness usually wears off after the first completed transaction.


Instructions to the players should focus on three things: 1) How to ask for support, 2) How to collect funds, and 3) Safety.

Instruct the players to politely ask the store patrons the following question, “Would you like to support our local soccer team?” This open ended question quickly identifies a person’s interest in supporting or not supporting your efforts.  If there is a positive response, the player will need to explain what is going on.  Typically, something like, “we are a local soccer team trying to raise money to go to an out of town tournament, or to purchase new uniforms, or pay for ref fees at an upcoming scrimmage.” I would keep it simple and we typically focus on the payment of tournament fees.

The players need to understand how much the donuts are being sold for and how to collect the funds.  Ideally, the patron just places money into the donation box and then grabs a dozen donuts, if you need to provide change or accept venmo or paypal, I would have a parent step in to complete that transaction.  


Safety is key and the players should be instructed not to leave the vicinity of the table you have set up to sell the donuts.  You do not want them in the parking lot or going up to cars as there is a danger of being hit by a car or worse.  So keep all players close to the table at all times.

Be Polite!

A great attitude goes a long way in getting donations!

Never be too pushy, the players are asking for support so there can be no expectation that the support will come.  Be nice, smile, and be respectful and you will be surprised at how many people don’t even want the donuts, but will provide a small donation to the cause.  

7. Distribute the Funds

When the event is complete the first thing you must do is make sure that whomever fronted the money for the donuts is made whole.  Pay any other costs you may have (hopefully none) and then determine how much you have to divide up amongst the players that supported the event.  You should seek advice from whomever runs your 501(c)(3) organization or provides tax advice on how the funds can be allocated.

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