Modern Dad Topics is running a Murph Challenge on Memorial Day, for bragging rights and some Legit fitness. Participation is easy, no need to register, just submit your results within a week of Memorial Day each year. Send your photos in as well and results will be posted here.
Start Training Now for 2024!
Submit your results before the deadline.

What is the Murph?
The Murph is a crossfit workout that consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and finally another 1 mile run. The runs must be done as bookends, but you can do the pull-ups, push-ups and squats however you like. For high performing athletes it is done with a flak jacket or weight vest. The Murph is always done on the clock, with individuals trying to complete the Murph in the least amount of time possible.

The truly hard core do the Murph exactly as laid out above with no deviations. For us typical folks, we break it up into pieces and parts, perhaps 20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 squats or a combination that works for you. No wrong way to do the middle part, as long as you complete it!
No matter how you do it, if you complete the Murph – you are feeling it and have accomplished something on Memorial Day Weekend to remember!

History of the Murph
The Murph is a CrossFit Hero workout named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in action on June 28, 2005 in Afghanistan. His actions earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor. The workout was not called the Murph originally, but “Body Armor” and was said to be one of Murphy’s favorites. Today, Cross Fit Gyms and individuals do the “Murph” around Memorial Day to Honor a fallen American Hero. There is a book by the lone survivor of the event and there are of course media adaptations of the story that you can experience.
Why do the Murph?
The Murph is a physical challenge, a social event, and an opportunity to remember someone who gave everything for our freedoms. You will be sore after completing it, but it is always worth it. If you have not decided if the Murph is for you – give it a go or do a modified version. If you are going to do the Murph this year anyway, how about taking the MDT Challenge and do it with some friends. Please fill out the form below and ensure you press submit.
MDT House Rules
The Murph must be completed between within 7 days of Memorial Day each year.
We have two divisions either with or without the vest. When you report your time, just designate if you wore a vest or not.
Results will be posted here. Designate what handle/name you want posted with your time when you submit.
Please pass this along to your friends, family, and other workout warriors and Start Training Now!
Joe Whittemore’s Murph Prep Pushup Challenge
Joe Whittemore does murph prep the right way – 100 Push Ups a day in April. If you want to get in on this – just ping us below.
Murph Gear

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