Modern Soccer Parent 101:  Where to sit on Game Day? SoCal 2022

Everyone wants a good view of the game, but seating has become more restrictive as of late due to league requirements based on allegations of referee abuse in recent times. So there is actually some rhyme and reason to where parents and teams should set up on game day.    The picture below is an example of what it could look like. What must occur is that parents and their teams are on the same side now.

This is a change to the long standing prior procedures where both teams were on one side of the field and both sets oof parents were on the other side.


There is a benefit to always knowing where to go and where you should be set up.   This allows everyone to drop their gear and find that good spot to watch the game.  This will also help avoid the issue of one team trying to take all of the viewing spots at midfield.  Getting in and out quickly is important as games are typically back to back to back.

Conflict Avoidance

As sad as this sounds, some parents can’t control their emotions during and immediately after games. Unfortunately,  mixing parents on the sidelines can be combustible and keeping them separated is the best way to minimize the chance of conflict.  This conflict between parents and referees has led to this less than ideal seating arrangement. Something else to consider to helping conflict avoidance is the tootsie pop technique- anyone that is talking too much, just give them a sucker and….  

Please remember, as soon as your game ends, please move off the sideline and allow the parents and spectators for the next game to fill in.

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