2023 Champion – Reidar Thompson
Current Week Picks
Championship Week!

Looking for a little more action this weekend? Click the picture above and hook us both up! Just sign up with my bookie and you can make bets on all college games and get a little side action. Be careful though, gambling is addictive and mybookie makes it way to easy.
Last Week Picks

Past Weeks Picks

Eliminated Players
- Everyone
Each week you pick one winner in the Big Ten and one in the pac12. So a total of two possible picks.
Picks are made straight up, no spread – just pick the winner.
You can only pick each team one time during the season.
If your pick is correct – then you survive to next week.
Last person that has not missed in one of the leagues is the winner. So maybe you go out in week 4 of the pac12. But are alive in week 10 of the big ten and no one else is left, you win.
There is a weekly online form to fill out so that all picks are time stamped. Both picks must be in prior to the first game of that week in either league. There will be no reminders during the week, so get your picks in on time, it is your responsibility to check to see if there are games on Thursday or Friday nights.
Picks of the other players will be available at kick off time of game one, or after all picks have been submitted. Whichever comes first. Saturday mornings can be rough for me as I have kids soccer, so try to get your picks in on Friday night. In the event of a tie at the end of the regular season the remaining players may choose to split the bragging rights and purse (requires unanimous vote of all players that are still alive) or engage in a tie breaker. In the event of all remaining players being eliminated in the same week, the remaining players shall meet and confer on next steps.
The Tie Breaker shall be picking the winners of the conference title games for the Pac 12 and Big Ten, should a tie still exist (i.e. more than one player has both picks correct), the remaining players shall select the winners of the Rose Bowl or Semi-Final Games, whichever comes first (assuming the Rosebowl is not a semi-final) the games will be picked in order and it will be sudden death, i.e. miss a pick then you are eliminated. Should a tie still exist after the Rose Bowl and Semi Finals, the remaining players shall pick the winner of the national title game and the final score of the national title game. Should both players pick the correct winner, the player with the closet score (the closest score shall be measured from both the scores of the winner and loser of the National Title Game) to the final shall be crowned the Champion.

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