Pass along to friends and family – and have them sign up early!
Game is live here.
Check out the Past Results.
Full Scoring Rules are published on the CBS Sportsline page. Please ensure you read the scoring rules as there was some confusion last year. Limit of 2 entries per person.
Game will be hosted on CBS Sportsline.
Entry fee is $25. Each entry fee of $25 includes an admin fee of up to $5 (the more players the lower the fee).
Winner shall be paid out as follows: TBD will be posted on CBS Sportsline once all entries are in and paid for. Plan on per round payments, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd payouts.
The admin fee per player shall be used to pay for the winner trophy, admin costs, people that don’t use friends and family/not goods to pay their entry, etc.

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