Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures – Beach Rescue

First time author and regular Modern Dad Topic’s contributor John Dunn makes a splash when he hits the water with Boo and Ted in his debut book Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures – Beach Rescue.  These two dogs are a fun loving pair out to do the right thing, all the while having some fun! 

Kids often wonder, what dogs do during the day when the kids are gone. What are their dogs doing when when they are off at school or shopping with parents, and now we know, well at least we know for Boo and Ted!  They are off saving people at the beach. 

The story is crisp and clean and allows a young reader to interchange themselves or their dog with Boo or Ted.  It is an easy read and one that young readers will come back to multiple times.

The author works the dogs’ personalities into Beach Rescue the story in such a way that they could be kids. Children can relate directly to the dogs and a parent can relate to the dogs as if they were their children.  The personalities of Boo and Ted are the perfect compliment for each other and each can teach children some great lessons.  In today’s crazy world, it is almost believable that an Uber driver would not even notice that he picked up a couple of dogs and took them to the beach!

This is a perfect bedtime story and I highly recommend picking up a copy for the little ones who just want one more story before bed!

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