Youth Soccer Goals: Playing as Long as Possible and at as High of a Level as Achievable (Modern Soccer Parent 101)

2 men playing soccer during daytime

Youth soccer is more than just a game; it’s an experience that shapes character, instills discipline, and fosters teamwork. As parents, we often find ourselves on the sidelines, cheering on our young athletes, hoping they find success and joy in the sport. But amidst the excitement of game days and practices, it’s essential to understand the true goals of youth soccer: to play as long as possible and at the highest level achievable. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why these goals are crucial and how parents can support their children on their journey.

Goal 1

Playing as Long as Possible One of the most significant benefits of youth soccer is its potential to promote lifelong physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. By encouraging children to participate in soccer from a young age, we set them on a path towards staying active well into adulthood. However, playing soccer for as long as possible isn’t just about physical health—it’s also about personal growth and development. The skills learned on the soccer field—such as perseverance, resilience, and teamwork—are invaluable lessons that extend far beyond the boundaries of the game. As parents, we should support our children in finding joy and fulfillment in soccer, regardless of whether they pursue it recreationally or competitively. The bottom line is that they can’t progress if they are not playing, so continuing to play has to be goal number 1.

girl in blue and white nike soccer jersey shirt

Goal 2

Playing at the Highest Level Possible While not every young soccer player dreams of becoming a professional athlete, it’s essential to provide opportunities for those who aspire to play at a higher level. Whether it’s earning a spot on a competitive club team, representing their school in varsity soccer, or even playing at the collegiate level, every player should have the chance to reach their full potential. As parents, we can help our children set ambitious yet realistic goals, providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed. This may involve investing in additional training, seeking out competitive opportunities, and fostering a mindset of continuous improvement. It may not mean playing at the highest level at the an early stage. No one cares if you you played flight 1 as a 9 year old and did not make your high school team because you burned out or ended up with a team or coach that prioritized winning games over development of the players and your player never developed what was needed to progress as a teenager.


Supporting Your Child’s Soccer Journey: As parents, there are several ways we can support our children in their soccer journey:

  1. Encourage a Balanced Approach: While it’s essential to support our children’s soccer ambitions, it’s also crucial to encourage a balanced approach. Emphasize the importance of academics, friendships, and other extracurricular activities, helping them maintain a well-rounded lifestyle.
  2. Provide Positive Reinforcement: Cheer for your child on the sidelines, celebrate their successes, and offer encouragement during challenging times. Remember that your support and positivity can make a significant difference in their confidence and motivation.
  3. Foster Independence: Encourage your child to take ownership of their soccer journey, whether it’s setting goals, communicating with coaches, or managing their schedule. By fostering independence, you empower them to become self-reliant and resilient individuals.
  4. Emphasize Fun and Enjoyment: Above all, prioritize fun and enjoyment in youth soccer. Remind your child that while success and improvement are important, the ultimate goal is to have fun and cherish the experiences shared with teammates and friends.
boy in black hoodie sitting on black and yellow folding chair


Youth soccer offers a multitude of benefits, from promoting physical fitness to fostering personal growth and development. As parents, your primary goals should be to support our children in playing soccer for as long as possible and at the highest level achievable. By providing encouragement, guidance, and opportunities, we can help our young athletes thrive both on and off the field, creating memories and lessons that will last a lifetime. So let’s cheer them on, celebrate their achievements, and embrace the beautiful game of soccer together.

Please check out our entire Modern Soccer Parent section of the website here.

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  1. The Defensive Gap: How Parental Influence in Girls Youth Soccer is Hindering Defensive Development (Modern Soccer Parent 101) - Modern Soccer Parent

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