Modern Soccer Parent 101: “Raising a Pro Athlete” by Jacques Ladoucer – a Book Review

Raising a Pro Athlete by Jacques Ladouceur is an insightful and practical guide that explores the journey of nurturing and developing young talent in today’s highly competitive and professionalized world of youth sports. Drawing from his personal experiences as a player and coach, Ladouceur offers valuable advice and strategies for parents, coaches, and aspiring athletes alike.  While the title may lead you to believe this is only for parents looking to raise a professional athlete, the information is valuable to raising any child in the modern world.


One of the book’s greatest strengths lies in the author’s ability to provide a balanced perspective on the challenges and sacrifices involved in raising a future professional athlete. Ladouceur emphasizes the importance of finding a healthy equilibrium between nurturing talent and preserving the well-being of the young athlete. He acknowledges the potential pitfalls of an overly aggressive approach to training and the significance of maintaining a positive environment that fosters growth and enjoyment.

Ladouceur’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book an easy read.  The lessons from his life jump right off the pages of Raising a Pro Athlete and he provides a wealth of knowledge and practical tips without overwhelming the reader with technical or detailed jargon. Through anecdotes and real-life examples, he successfully illustrates key concepts, making them relatable and applicable to a wide range of sports; not just soccer, which of course was his path.

One of the book’s standout features is its comprehensive coverage of various aspects involved in raising a pro athlete. Ladouceur explores topics such as talent identification, goal setting, mental toughness, nutrition, and managing setbacks. By delving into these areas, he provides a holistic understanding of the multifaceted nature of athlete development, ensuring readers are equipped with a well-rounded approach.  Ladouceur delves into the challenges faced by young athletes, such as performance anxiety, self-doubt, and burnout, and provides practical techniques to help parents address these issues effectively. He stresses the significance of maintaining open lines of communication, building a supportive environment, and fostering resilience and mental fortitude in young athletes.  

Moreover, Ladouceur addresses the role of coaches and the importance of establishing positive relationships between parents, athletes, and coaching staff. He offers advice on how parents can effectively collaborate with coaches while respecting their expertise, all the while ensuring that the best interests of the child are prioritized.

The book is consistent and places a strong emphasis on the importance of character development alongside athletic training. Ladouceur emphasizes the values of discipline, perseverance, humility, and teamwork as essential qualities that contribute to long-term success in sports and life. By highlighting the significance of personal growth beyond the field of play, the book offers valuable insights for parents and coaches aiming to raise not just exceptional athletes but also well-rounded individuals. The book is primarily focused on team sports and its lessons may not cater as well or extensively to individual sports. While the underlying principles and advice are applicable to various disciplines, readers seeking specific guidance on individual sports may find themselves wanting more tailored content.


While Raising a Pro Athlete offers a plethora of valuable information, it does have a few minor shortcomings. The lessons of the book generally come from his experience, and he was a world class talent to begin with, which is obviously rare.  To not be discouraging to aspiring athletes, the “odds” are not highlighted in a way to provide the reader with a true perspective on how difficult this path would be for a “normal” person, but that may have been on purpose as the mental aspect of the pursuit of professional athletics is so very important.

Overall, “Raising a Pro Athlete” is a highly informative and thought-provoking guide that empowers parents as they navigate the complexities of raising a young athlete. Jacques Ladouceur’s expertise shines through in his comprehensive understanding of the psychological and emotional challenges faced by young athletes, making this book a valuable resource for parents seeking to support their child’s sporting aspirations while ensuring their overall well-being.


“Raising a Pro Athlete” is a commendable resource for parents, coaches, and young athletes who are passionate about pursuing excellence in the world of sports. The book provides a well-rounded and balanced approach to talent development, offering practical strategies, insightful anecdotes, and a strong emphasis on character building.   I have personally coached against Jacques’ soccer teams in the past and they are consistently filled with high character players, and he practices what he preaches.  So, whether your child is just starting their sporting journey or is already deeply involved in competitive sports, “Raising a Pro Athlete” provides practical advice, expert insights, and a compassionate approach that will undoubtedly help parents set the conditions for their child’s potential success while fostering a healthy and balanced approach to their athletic pursuits.

If you are interested in some additional tips for navigating the youth soccer landscape, please check out our entire Modern Soccer Parent section of the website here.

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