5 Life Hacks For Dads – Simple things that make life more pleasant.

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I’m always looking for ways to make my life a little more pleasant. I consider myself to be on the frugal side. Some – including my wife – may call me cheap. So, while I’m certain that a daily spa treatment would make my life more pleasant, it doesn’t make the list. I’ve listed five of them below in no particular order.

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1. The Art of Shaving Cream, Lavender Scent (And Omega Boar Hair Shaving Brush)

For most of my adult life, I bought whatever shaving cream was on sale, slathered it on with my face with my hand, and shaved as quickly as possible. This method frequently left me with razor burn and nicks. Why? Because I was using cheap shaving cream. That all changed a few month’s ago when a buddy turned me on to The Art of Shaving cream. Now every shave is like a mini-spa treatment. I get the water hot, wet my boar hair brush and get just a dab of cream. Then use the brush to lather my face before shaving. My shave is smoother, my completion is better, no more nicks, and my razor lasts longer. I smell good too. I actually look forward to shaving!

There are several scents. I went with lavender. The Art of Shaving also makes after shave balm/moisturizer, but I haven’t tried that yet.

Yes, the Art of Shaving cream is more expensive than Gillette and Barbasol. A 5oz jar of The Art of Shaving cream costs about $20 on Amazon and the Omega brush I bought was $11. But the jar will last you several months if not more, and your razor lasts longer (if you dry it after use). In my mind, it’s worth the extra cost.

2. RENPHO Massage Gun

Like many people these days I spend quite a bit of time hunched over my computer. I also try to get my exercise in when I can. By the end of the day, my shoulders, neck, and upper back are tired/sore and feel in need of a massage. My massage gun makes quick work of the soreness and is a great solution. I went with mid-range gun RENPHO for $120. It comes with several massage heads, has 4 speeds, and plenty of power. It’s quiet too. I like the adjustable handle that makes hitting hard to reach areas on my back a little easier to get to. It’s also great on the bottom of my feet.

I have two friends who swear by the HyperVolt ($300). So that’s another option if you’re willing to spend a bit more $$.

3. Cinnamon

I finally came around to the unfortunate realization that sugar is bad for you. I also realized that I added sugar to a lot of the food/drinks I consumed. At first, I was able to convince myself that I wasn’t really adding all that much sugar. After all, I only put one teaspoon in my coffee. I conveniently forgot that I frequently drank 6-7 cups of coffee a day. I tried going sugar free, but it just didn’t do it for me. Luckily, I discovered cinnamon as a substitute. Now I add cinnamon to almost everything – coffee, oatmeal, yogurt, peanut butter. It’s delicious and good for you (according to the internet).

4. Daily stretching routine

A few years ago, I had trouble sitting on the ground or on bleachers for more than five minutes. My lower back would quickly tighten up and I’d be quite uncomfortable and in pain. I thought this was just a normal thing that comes with getting older – I was in my late 30s at the time. I happened to mention my backpain to my doctor at my annual physical. He quickly told me that it wasn’t normal at all. He prescribed me physical therapy and after a couple months of weekly sessions my back felt much better.

Fast forward to today. I start and sometimes end most days with a 5-minute stretch session which includes child’s pose, downward dog, cobra, cat/cow, bird dog, and various hamstring stretches. In the morning, I finish of the session with 10 air squats and 20 arm raises and I’m ready to start the day.

This routine has made a huge difference in keeping me pain free and feeling great.

5. Tracking personal net worth

I try to save a good bit to invest each month – whether in my 401k or in real estate. I do this with an eye toward having a comfortable retirement and to be able to handle any unforeseen financial surprises that may come up along the way. To make this happen, I have had to make some financial sacrifices today so that I can save and invest with hope that it pays off down the line. To keep track of my progress I make a habit of tracking my net worth on a spreadsheet and update it every two months. (See Ken Washington’s post on May 17, 2020) for more detail on how to calculate net worth and spreadsheet.)

For me, it’s been a great tool to keep me on track by showing the power of saving and investing over a period of years. I’m not rich yet, but it’s been satisfying to look back over the years and see the progress I’ve made this far.

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